Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Hero's Journey

Deconstruct your favorite hero's journey:

The hero I chose was Hercules from the Disney moive Hercules. I chose him because he is a typical hero story. He starts off by being taken away from his parents who are gods and taken to live with mortals. He grows up to be weak and scrawny. He grows up being bullied and an outcast. Then he decides to take a journey to find out who he real is. He goes to the temple of Zeus where he realizes that he is the son of a god. Realizing this he thinks he has to be just like that. As a common hero when they realize they are meant to do something greater they try to take that opportunity. His life now revovles around training to make people proud and to hopefully become a god. He thinks that he is on top of the world after he defeats all these villians and mythical creatures. Although all heros have a weakness, his was love. He gives up all his powers to save the one he loves. Then when he does the most honorable thing by saving her without his powers; he is granted godship.

This hero had a horrible childhood, grew up to see that he had a greater purpose in life, and made it come true. But as a common hero he had his villian (Hades) and his weakness of love. In the end he was able to overcome it and be with his true love and he to become a god.


  1. Kal Bashir does the best hero's journey deconstructions on youtube.
