Monday, September 10, 2012

Vocab List 5

Acumen-(noun) keen insight; shrewdness                                                                                               The acumen of the project was not clear.


Adjudicate- (verb) to pronounce or decree by judicial sentence
He was adjudicated to three years in prison by the Supreme Court.


Anachronism- (noun) something/ someone who is not correct in historical or chronological time
The anachronism was dated to be from 200 B.C. but it was not; it was a fake.


Apocryphal- (adjective) of doubtful authorship or authenticity
The apocryphal book was said to be signed by George Washington.


Disparity- (noun) lack of similarity or equality 
The disparity of the two objects were so similar that you needed a microscope to see the difference.


Dissimulate- (verb) to conceal or disguise in false appearance
The police dissimulated the victim to keep him private.


Empirical- (adjective) derived from or guided from experience
She made empirical choices that was affected by her past.


Flamboyant- (adjective) strikingly bold or brilliant; showy
Their house was so flamboyant that you felt you weren’t able to touch anything.


Fulsome- (adjective) offensive to good taste, especially as being excessive; overdone or gross The hostess was wearing such a fulsome dress that she looked like she tried to hard.


Immolate- (verb) to sacrifice                                                                                                                  We had to immolate the newborn calf because he was born with a horrible disease.

Imperceptible- (adjective) very slight, gradual, or subtle
When donating blood I felt an imperceptible stick of the needle.


Lackey- (noun) a servile follower; toady
The lackey followed the golf players as they played.


Liaison- (noun) the contact or connection maintained by communications between units of the armed forces or of any other organization in order to ensure concerted action, cooperation, etc
The liaison was a plan that needed to be enforced by everyone to ensure security.


Monolithic- (adjective) made of one piece; solid or unbroken
Many people believe the monolithic statue was built by aliens.


Mot juste- (noun) the right word or expression
He has the mot juste that I was thinking of!


Nihilism- (noun) total rejection of established laws and institutions
The nihilism was denounced by all the employees.


Patrician- (noun) a person or noble or high rank; aristocrat
The patrician was known as Sir Francis Drake but he was also a pirate.


Propitiate- (verb) to make favorably inclined; appease; conciliate
Two coaches propitiated after having an argument so that they would be able to cooperate together for the game.


Sic- (verb) to attack
In the movie Stand By Me the boys believed that the owner of the dump was telling his dog “sic balls chopper” when in reality he was saying ‘sic’em boy”.


Sublimate- (adjective/ verb with object) to divert the energy of (a sexual or other biological impulse) from its immediate goal to one of a more acceptable social, moral, or aesthetic nature or use                                                                                                                                                             He had a sublimate urge to do one thing but instead he decided to clean the house.

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