Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thinking Outside the Box

Plato and Sarte each described a place that can be considered hell. While Plato intended it more to be stuck in one place knowing only one thing without any education at all. Sarte made each charcter to have a corrupt sense of truth and what was realiable. They each showed the ignorance that people have. Although the characters from No Exit expirenced a sense or reality unlike the prisoners they each witnessed it different in the way they interpreted what they thought.This goes back to what Plato also conveyed is that we are stuck in our mindset and that even if we are led into the light we have to change  our mindset in order to contiue and not return to the cave. I believe both authors are right when diplsying their allegorys. Each has a differemt point of view. It is up to every reader to determine what point they will bring out of it. Each person will read and comprehend it differently but many will come out with the same sense.


  1. Very detailed and thorough! It was obvious you clearly understood both texts..great job!

  2. "corrupt sense of truth"
    LOVE IT. Beautiful.

  3. Brief but fleshed out with authentic depth of thought, you did a good, no, great job :)

  4. One quick suggestion. Fix some of your spelling. It doesn't take away from the content you wrote but I just want you to be aware of it because I know I would want someone to tell me the same if that is what I needed to fix on my blog. Nice job on bring "The Cave" into your conversation! Well done(:

  5. Thank you! I am so embarrassed! I jade so many mistakes. This is what happens when I do not retread my work! Thank you though for telling me. I'm really nt that bad of a writer I promise haha

  6. It was really well summarized and you deffinitely grasped the main ideas! Great job, Eana!!! (:

  7. good job, it covered the general idea without getting long and boring :) short and sweet! i liked it!
